Mission and Vision
Our Mission
Natura International is committed to the conservation of natural ecosystems through the creation of protected areas by promoting the participation of local actors. In this way, we hope to conserve the natural and cultural heritage for future generations.
Our Vision
We project a world that conserves its biological and cultural diversity at all scales, allowing natural ecological processes in balance with human activities.
Our Approach
Natura International works in a creative way to effectively protect high conservation value lands in Latin America with projects that have a good likelihood of success and a low cost per acre. Our team’s combined 60 years of experience in funds development, international operations, and on-the-ground conservation work is one of our greatest assets.
We partner with local Latin American conservationists with bold agendas. These local leaders reside in the project areas and are savvy about the technical aspects and possess the political acumen and strategic alliances required to successfully navigate the complex process of establishing a protected area. In most cases, our collaboration ties transcend project-based financing. We support our partners by strengthening their institutional capacities for continued success, including combined fundraising efforts and timely seizing opportunities to protect hundreds of thousands of acres of valuable ecosystems in the South.